I have six input files from where data needs to be fetch BS1/2,ED1/2,NA1/2
File layout
BS2 6-24 BSN(19 digit)
ED2 6-24 EDN(19 digit) 35-53BSN(19 digit) 60 flag(value 0 or 1)
NA2 6-24 NAN(19 digit) 35-53BSN(19 digit)
My 7th input driver file has following layout
1-8DATE 9-16TIMESTAMP(HHMMSSms) 45-46BS 70-88BSN(19 digit)(can have record from BS1 or BS2)
1-8DATE 9-16TIMESTAMP(HHMMSSms) 45-46ED 70-88EDN(19 digit)(can have record from ED1 or ED2)
1-8DATE 9-16TIMESTAMP(HHMMSSms) 45-46NA 70-88NAN(19 digit)(can have record from NA1 or NA2)
Required Output file
(if input file has BS) 1-8DATE 9,10-15TIMESTAMP(HHMMSS)16,17-35 corresponding 19 digit NAN 36,37-55 corresponding 19 digit EDN when flag=0
(if input file has ED) 1-8DATE 9,10-15TIMESTAMP(HHMMSS)16,17-35 corresponding19 digit NAN 36,37-5519 digit EDN
(if input file has NA)1-8DATE 9,10-15TIMESTAMP(HHMMSS)16,17-35 19 digit NAN36, 37-55 corresponding 19 digit EDN when flag=0
Digits marked in color represents field position.
Is it possible to get the desired output file using ICETOOL and without writing any COBOL program?
Please let me know if any required detail is missing in my question.