Hello ajuatsgp,
When I try to join ED12 and BX12 this is a possible result (I tried it "hands on"):
1234567890987654321 0 1111111111111111111 3333444400033334444
1234567890987654321 1111333300033331111
1234567890987654321 1 2222222222222222222 3333444400033334444 9999999990123456789
4444888800088884444 9876543210123456789 1 3333333333333333333 5555444400055554444 9876543210123456789
4444555500055554444 1234432100123456789 0 4444444444444444444 3333444400033334444
1234567890987654321 4444676700067674444
9999999990123456789 0 5555555555555555555 3333444400033334444
9999999990123456789 4444999900099994444
9999999990123456789 1 6666666666666666666 3333444400033334444
9999999990123456789 Can you show and explain to me, how now your DRIVER file stands in relation to this?
If you look at the bold marked fields, how do you want to decide which date-field matches to another field in ED/BX, because there are duplicate values?
1234567890987654321 2012153121517182BS
1234567890987654321 2012153131421191BS 9876543210123456789
2012153121919361ED 1111222200022221111
2012153121919361NA 3333444400033334444
I need something like: If 'BS' --> KEY at position x in length y, If 'ED' --> KEY at position z length l and so on...
Perhaps this will help me to understand what you need exactly. At the moment there are just duplicate keys and inconsistencies...
When you need information out of all files in the output dataset there has to be something UNIQUE, that I (or any programmer) can use