Merging matching records from two files

IBM's flagship sort product DFSORT for sorting, merging, copying, data manipulation and reporting. Includes ICETOOL and ICEGENER

Merging matching records from two files

Postby zhinghur » Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:27 pm

Hello everyone,

Wish you A Happy and Prosperous New Year at the outset.

I am going to give the exact details of keys this time, alongside other information. Because last time due to my ignorance, many ended up loosing their precious time. Sorry again, for that.

I have 2 input files of different lengths.

In File 1(80 bytes), keys starts at position 13. Key length is total 5 bytes(marked in BOLD). Every alternate line is blank.

./ add name=AB120

./ add name=BN132

./ add name=AA100

./ add name=AB125

./ add name=AB132

In File 2(93 bytes), keys starts at 1st position of length 2 and at 24th position of 3 length. = Total 5 bytes.


Write to output file only if key match, and in the order shown below.
Record from 1st file and all the key matched record from second file.
From 2nd file, output of around 61 bytes from bytes 23 to end is to be written.

Output File

./ add name=AB120
./ add name=BN132
./ add name=AA100
./ add name=AB125
./ add name=AB132
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Re: Merging matching records from two files

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:53 pm

if You hadn' t stupidly asked to delete Your previous topic
You would have found the solutions there,
repeated and tested three times
and the thanks &deity final requirement could have been satisfied with one simple modification to the control cards

but you were too lazy to try to understand so you asked to delete good replies.
that' s what I call wasting people times

and ... what is that You do not understand in posting data using the code tags ? :twisted:

and... in IT you need to use exact measures ...
around 61 bytes

it means that also ..., 59, 60, ...62, 63 ,... could be ok :geek:
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Re: Merging matching records from two files

Postby BillyBoyo » Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:56 pm

It is best to use the Code tags to present your data and code, as this preserves the formatting. The Bolding means nothing inside the Code tags, so don't use the bolding for data/code please.

Can you post the ICE201I message from one of your jobs so that we can see the DFSORT level you are using, please?

I'm not sure the original code will help, due to the need to drop unmatched keys. I'd look at Joinkeys. Due to the key-split on the second file, you'll need to define the key for the first file as being in two parts. You'll need a sequence number appended to get the output back into the original order. Drop the blanks from file one. You'll probably need an OUTREC with the Slash (/) Operator to get the /ADD and the file two record at the same time.
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Re: Merging matching records from two files

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:34 pm

follow on for a finger check ....
Because last time due to my ignorance, many ended up loosing their precious time. Sorry again, for that.

the real problem is not the ignorance or lack of skills, those things can be taken care of with training and help

the real problem is the attitude ...
the <unwillingness> to try to understand the suggestions You were given and to reply to the questions You were asked
also ... posting it didn' t work did not help You to get a better answer
those are the things that make people loose not time but the temper and the good helping mood
( loosing the helping mood is much worse for You )

the impression was that we were talking and You were listening to you iPod :D

anyway a bit of bashing never hurt anybody ;)
(there are forum where people get bashed for much less )

happy new year anyway !
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Re: Merging matching records from two files

Postby zhinghur » Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:34 pm

wow... Thank you :)
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Re: Merging matching records from two files

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:05 pm

keep following on...
wouldn' t it be faster to get rid of file1
and build from scratch a ./ ADD NAME=XXYYY whenever the <key changes> on file 2
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Re: Merging matching records from two files

Postby BillyBoyo » Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:09 pm

Still have that tetchy selection to get around, not everything on the second file is needed :-)
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Re: Merging matching records from two files

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:24 pm

a bit off topic maybe, but here is a snippet wich works for my previous question...
( I am not a great sort practitioner, probably Frank might find a better solution )

 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 000001 //ENRICO1  JOB NOTIFY=&SYSUID,                                         
 000002 //             MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X                       
 000003 //*                                                                     
 000004 //ICE1    EXEC PGM=SORT                                                 
 000005 //SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=*                                                 
 000006 //SYSOUT    DD SYSOUT=*                                                 
 000007 //TOOLMSG   DD SYSOUT=*                                                 
 000008 //DFSMSG    DD SYSOUT=*                                                 
 000009 //SORTIN    DD *                                                       
 000010 AB000000 07 0000001 123                                                 
 000011 AB000000 07 0000002 123                                                 
 000012 AB000000 07 0000003 123                                                 
 000013 BC000000 08 0000001 234                                                 
 000014 BC000000 08 0000002 234                                                 
 000015 BC000000 08 0000003 234                                                 
 000016 BC000000 08 0000004 234                                                 
 000017 MS000000 09 0000001 345                                                 
 000018 MS000000 09 0000002 345                                                 
 000019 MS000000 09 0000003 345                                                 
 000020 AB000000 07 X000002 123                                                 
 000021 AB000000 07 X000003 123                                                 
 000022 MS000000 09 0000004 345                                                 
 000023 MS000000 09 0000005 345                                                 
 000024 MS000000 09 0000006 345                                                 
 000025 MS000000 09 0000007 345                                                 
 000026 //SORTOUT   DD SYSOUT=*,DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80)                         
 000027 //SYSIN     DD *                                                       
 000028   OPTION EQUALS                                                         
 000029   INREC  OVERLAY=(81:1,2,21,3)                                         
 000030   SORT  FIELDS=(81,5,CH,A)                                             
 000031   OUTREC OVERLAY=(86:SEQNUM,5,ZD,RESTART=(81,5))                       
 000032   OUTFIL IFTHEN=(WHEN=(86,5,ZD,EQ,1),                                   
 000033          BUILD=(C'./ ADD NAME=',81,5,/1,80)),                           
 000034          IFTHEN=(WHEN=NONE,                                             
 000035          BUILD=(1,80))                                                 
 ****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

and the result

********************************* TOP OF DATA **********************************
./ ADD NAME=AB123                                                               
AB000000 07 0000001 123                                                         
AB000000 07 0000002 123                                                         
AB000000 07 0000003 123                                                         
AB000000 07 X000002 123                                                         
AB000000 07 X000003 123                                                         
./ ADD NAME=BC234                                                               
BC000000 08 0000001 234                                                         
BC000000 08 0000002 234                                                         
BC000000 08 0000003 234                                                         
BC000000 08 0000004 234                                                         
./ ADD NAME=MS345                                                               
MS000000 09 0000001 345                                                         
MS000000 09 0000002 345                                                         
MS000000 09 0000003 345                                                         
MS000000 09 0000004 345                                                         
MS000000 09 0000005 345                                                         
MS000000 09 0000006 345                                                         
MS000000 09 0000007 345                                                         
******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

it will work for the TS data by reworking the build section for the data part
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Re: Merging matching records from two files

Postby BillyBoyo » Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:22 am

zhinghur wrote:wow... Thank you :)

Instead of cultivating an air of enigma, why can't you tell us what version of DFSORT you are using? The information will be necessary. If the hard-working DFSORT guys provide a solution for you and then you can't get it to work because you don't have an appropriate level of DFSORT, you will have wasted more of other's time. You were asked this on the previous topic (from memory, more than once), and again on this one. The ICE201I message is all that you need to locate, from any sort job that you have.

If you are going with enrico's solution, let us know. If you are coding something yourself, let us know how it goes.
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Re: Merging matching records from two files

Postby zhinghur » Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:22 pm

Hi Enrico,

Your soln. looks good. But just missed out the key matched part. It is running ok now, but the non-required fields are coming too, as files has around 500,000 records. Can you please add the matching condition for keys, only for those key matches give the output.

Thank You.
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