Good morning.
first of all apologize if I do not write English properly
I have a customer file of 153 positions whose structure is as follows:
Client type = PIC X (1)
customer number = PIC S9 (9) COMP-3
annual balance = PIC S9 (13) V99 COMP-3
monthly balance = PIC S9 (13) V99 COMP-3
customer information = PIC X (94)
Code 1 = PIC X (3)
Code 2 = PIC X (4)
other fields = PIC X (30)
The file is sorted by "client type", "customer number" and the field "code 2". The customer may have hired more than one product (field "code 1"). Depending on the product purchased, the balance can come in positive or negative.
I need to get a file of 18 positions with the following structure
type person = pic x (1)
customer number = PIC S9 (9) COMP-3
annual balance = PIC S9 (13) V99 COMP-3
To calculate the annual balance we build client-level "code 1". Keep in mind that when the product is J01 or J02 type shall be computed in positive (absolute value)
Really only need to know if there is a command (besides making the MULT -1) that automatically calculates the absolute value