I have 3 flat files.
File A
Field1 Field 2
12345 8778878
12999 787887
23456 778675
67334 785787856
35332 7576767
File B
Field1 Field 2
12345 7846744
23456 467467
File C
Field1 Field2
12345 5634564
67334 5456456
35332 5645644
I want to compare these three files. The first field in each file is the key. My requirement is to take Field1 value(12345) from File A and look for this value in File B and File C. If the value is found then corresponding field2 value from File B(7846744) and File C(5634564) shd be taken and wriiten in output file like this
12345 8778878 7846744 5634564
If the lookup value is not present in File B or File C or both then the output file shd have value 0 in those fields like this
12999 787887 0 0
23456 778675 467467 0
Is this possible through DFSORT?