I can't tell from your explanation if you want the output LRECL to be 32 or 80. Which is it?
If you want the output data set to have RECFM=FB, the you must specify RECFM=FB on the output DD. Otherwise DFSORT will use the input RECFM of FBA.
If you want your output data set to have LRECL=32, then use this INREC statement and ensure that your output data set has LRECL=32 (or no LRECL) and RECFM=FB.
INREC FIELDS=(1:2,5,8:8,8,18:94,9,28:115,5)
If you want LRECL=80 for your output data set, then use this INREC statement and ensure that your output data set has LRECL=80 (or no LRECL) and RECFM=FB.
INREC FIELDS=(1:2,5,8:8,8,18:94,9,28:115,5,80:X)
You need to have the reformatted length set up by the INREC statement MATCH the LRECL of the output file.
If you're still having problems, show the complete JES log for your run.