Hi - Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but I've gone through DFSORT application guides and the Smart Tricks guide and haven't found a solution.
Records have two key fields (in positions 1 and 3) and unpredictable numeric data (in position 5) :
a a 1
a a 1
a a 2
a a 5
a b 1
a b 6
b a 1
b a 2
b a 9
After sorting the records on the keys (ascending) and the numeric data (descending), I'd like to group the records by the keys and propagate the highest numeric value to the group (red records have changed numeric value) :
a a 5
a a 5 (was 'a a 2')
a a 5 (was 'a a 1')
a a 5 (was 'a a 1')
a b 6
a b 6 (was 'a b 1')
b a 9
b a 9 (was 'b a 2')
b a 9 (was 'b a 1')
My problem is, I have nothing fixed to give the BEGIN in order to propagate the value within the GROUP.