I would like to translate an ICEGENER abend (0099) to a return code and avoid an abend. I used IRXJCL to do this but the job
still abended even though the return code was a 4. In other words I would like to avoid the IEA995I SYMPTOM DUMP OUTPUT
messages and just get a non-zero return code. I want the job to read a PDS member that may or may not exist. If I use
IEBGENER I may get a S013-18 (member not found). So I want to avoid an abend and just get a return code.
The sysut1 is as follows. //SYSUT1 DD DSN=TS01JG.JCL.CNTL(XXXX),DISP=SHR. In this case member XXXX does not exist.