DFSORT is IBM's sort, merge and copy product. For more information, see the DFSORT website at:
http://www.ibm.com/storage/dfsort/In particular, you can access all of the DFSORT books online from:
http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss? ... g3T7000080
If you or anyone else on this board would like some documents prepared by the DFSORT Team that describe what we see as the advantages of DFSORT over Syncsort, as well as considersations for migrating from Syncsort to DFSORT, send me an e-mail offline (retired). Please put "DFSORT" somewhere in your Subject line to catch my attention.
(Syncsort is Syncsort, Inc.'s product.)
Note that you can determine which sort product you have by looking at the messages in //SYSOUT for a PGM=SORT run. If you see ICE messages, you have DFSORT. If you see WER messages, you have Syncsort.
Frank Yaeger is now retired. Instead of his direct e-mail, please use dfsort@us.ibm.com