I have a file that contains duplicate values and missing values on the key variable. I want to end up with 3 files:
File 1: All records with a unique value on the key variable
File 2: All records with duplicate values on the key variable
File 3: All records with a blank in the key variable
I also would like to know if this can be done when the key is a concatenation of two non adjacent fields.
Examples: simple single field key
Id last name first name date of birth
12345 smith john 022678
12345 smith john 022678
23456 jones mary 030802
andrews hillary 072699
34567 lewis louis 052798
brand ellen 122900
34567 lewis louis 052798
45678 gold harry 112599
78912 fred
desired result
File 1 unique value on key
23456 jones mary 030802
45678 gold harry 112599
78912 fred
File 2 duplicate value on key
12345 smith john 022678
12345 smith john 022678
34567 lewis louis 052798
34567 lewis louis 052798
File 3 blank key
andrews hillary 072699
brand ellen 122900
Example 2: using the same input file, key = last name and date of birth (non-adjacent fields)
File 1: Unique value on key
23456 jones mary 030802
45678 gold harry 112599
andrews hillary 072699
brand ellen 122900
File 2: Duplicate value on key
12345 smith john 022678
12345 smith john 022678
34567 lewis louis 052798
34567 lewis louis 052798
File 3: Blank key
78912 fred
Thank you in advance for your help.