I have a somewhat complex problem that envolves 3 input files.
It might take several steps to get to the end result.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
The PASM input file has a record length of 380.
The OPPH input file has a record length of 398.
The OPVL input file has a record length of 380.
I need to extract all records from PASM and create a file containing the PA Number (1:11), Authorized Limit (92:16) and End Date (82:10).
I need to extract all records from OPVL where Ref.Trans.Code (182:2) = "PN" and create a file containing the whole PN Number (182:16), Closed Amount (101:16) and Last Check Date (146:10), then summarize Closed Amount by PN Number.
I need to extract all records from OPPH where the Blanket Number (131:11) is not spaces and create a file containing the Blanket Number (131:11) and Expended Amount (291:16), then summarize Expended Amount by Blanket Number.
I need to join the PASM file (PA Number) with the OPVL file (PN Number). Return all PASM records and only those OPVL records where PN Number = PA Number.
I need to join the PASM file (PA Number) with the OPPH file (Blanket Number). Return all PASM records and only those OPPH records where Blanket Number = PA Number.
The end result (file) should include all PA Numbers, End Date, Authorized Limit (from PASM), OPVL Closed Amount, OPPH Expended Amount, then calculate the Remaining Balance (Authorized Limit - OPVL Closed Amount - OPPH Expended amount)
If this is too complex, just let me know.

Thank you.