very good mode on
here a rexx snippet to do the calculations
tested and working on my pc using open object rexx
#! /usr/bin/rexx
y year
d day
w week
s date sorted yyyymmdd
b date base ( as per rexx definition 0 = monday/00010101 )
fwky procedure,
returns the base date of the monday of the first week of a year
the week containin the thursday
iso1 procedure,
format the iso date appropriately
parse arg s k
if k = "" then k = 1
f = date("b",right(s,4,"0") || "0101", "S")
t = date("b",right(s+k,4,"0") || "0101", "S" ) - 1
do b = f to t
s = date("S",b,"B")
i = date2iso(s)
if s \= iso2date(i) then do
say "error for" b s i
if k = 1 then ,
say s b i
date2iso : procedure
parse arg s
b = date("B", s, "S")
y = left(s, 4 )
/* the easy one first */
if b >= fwky(y+1 ) then ,
return iso1(y+1, 1, b // 7 + 1 )
if b >= fwky(y ) then do
w = b % 7 - fwky(y ) % 7 + 1
return iso1(y, w, b // 7 + 1 )
w = b % 7 - fwky(y-1 ) % 7 + 1
return iso1(y-1, w, b // 7 + 1 )
iso1: procedure
parse arg y, w, d
return right(y, 4, "0" ) || "W" || right(w, 2, "0" ) || d
parse arg i
parse var i with 1 y 5 . 6 w 8 d
b = fwky(y ) + (w - 1 )*7 + d - 1
return date("S", b, "B")
fwky: procedure
/* base date of the first week of the year */
parse arg y
w = date("b", right(y, 4, "0" ) || "01" || "01", "s" )
d = w // 7 + 1
if d <= 4 then ,
return w + 1 - d
else ,
return w + 1 - d + 7