I have a file of 304 positions with the following structure:
code1 PIC X(1)
code2 PIC S9(9) COMP-3
Filler1 PIC X(211)
Filler2 PIC X(87)
The INPUT file is ordered by the first two fields (code1 and code2). No duplicate. The Filler1 has values that are not important. The filler2 has several indicators, a position each indicator with the following values: "Y", "N", "T", "0" and "1". I need to change all values "T" with "N" (filler2 positions 218 to finish)
Input file
code1 code2 filler-1 filler-2
F 00001 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx... N0N0N0Y1T0N0Y0T1T1T0Y0.......
F 00002 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx... T0N0Y0T1T0N0N0N1N1N0N0.......
F 00003 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx... Y0N0Y0Y1Y0N0N0N1N1N0N0.......
F 00004 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx... N0Y0T0N1N0T0T0Y1Y1Y0T0.......
Output file
code1 code2 filler-1 filler-2
F 00001 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx... N0N0N0Y1N0N0Y0N1N1N0Y0.......
F 00002 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx... N0N0Y0N1N0N0N0N1N1N0N0.......
F 00003 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx... Y0N0Y0Y1Y0N0N0N1N1N0N0.......
F 00004 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx... N0Y0N0N1N0N0N0Y1Y1Y0N0.......
I could use sentences OUTREC IFTHEN AND HIT NEXT but then I would have to ask for each indicator (218,1 - 220,1,...) of filler2 and change one to one but would have a huge statement (several lines) . There would be some way to change values indicating the column begins and ends (218,87)?
If I must change the " T" values of some specific positions (for example positions: 220,1 - 226-1 - 228,1 - 234,1 - 236,1, 240,1 and 256,1, ) unused HIT NEXT, can it be done?
thank you a lot of