Need to add $ and comma in the output file

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Need to add $ and comma in the output file

Postby vigneshts1 » Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:04 am


I have the output file in the following format,

                                      **  GOODS REPORT  **
                                          **  CCCCC  **
ABCD $                                       15478123190
XXXX $                                          18923410
ABCD #                                           9001214   
XXXX #                                              1234
                                          **  ZZZZZ  **
ABCD $                                       12100123190
XXXX $                                        2118923410
ABCD #                                         159001214   
XXXX #                                            121234

In the above output file,i want to produce ($$$,$$$,$$$,$$9.99) for the $s value and (ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9) for the # values. I tried OUTREC IFTHEN with WHEN with some expression and build it using BUILD EDIT=($II,III,III,IIT.TT) for $ and # values..But my bad luck that is not available in my shop.

Can anyone help me to achieve this in any other way.?

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Re: Need to add $ and comma in the output file

Postby BillyBoyo » Sun Dec 28, 2014 3:40 pm

Can you post the sysout from the step you used, and the control cards you used? A sample of the data as well, please.
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