I have 2 files with different record length (both are FB)
File 1 -- LRECL 100
File 2 -- LRECL 80
Can we sort (using IBM SORT utility) these 2 files and write out put to File 3 of record length 80.
I know the solution of 2 steps where
Step 1 --> Convert File 1 to record length 80
Step 2 --> SORT it in regular way.
But, Is there any way to achieve it in only one step avoid multiple reads?
Because I have millions of records in File 1 and Step1 will be only to reduce records from 100 to 80 and again need to read the million of records in step 2 to sort.
I want to use the below control card but its not holds good if the 2 files are of different length.