Hi All,
I have a requirement, where I need to split a big file into multiple files. File size is dynamic in nature i.e. Daily file size may vary. For Example On Monday By Running my process I generate a File having size = 5GB, On Tuesday when Running the process generate file having size = 20MB, On Wednesday File size is 8.5 GB. Below is the The only Infoamtion what I am having:
(1) LRECL of the O/P file which is = 100 & RECFM = FB.
(2) 1 GB of Data need to be Copy to each file.
On Monday When I Run Split Process it should create 5 Files, where each file having Data of 1GB. -----> Actual File size is 5GB
On Tuesday when I Run Split Process it should create 1 Files. ----> Actual file Size is 20 MB
On Wednesday When I Run Split Process it should create 9 Files, where 8 files having Data of 1GB * 8 & 1 File having Data of 500 MB. ---> Actual File Size is 8.5 GB.
How I can do this using SORT. If there is a JCL please share.
Kind Rgd'sVineet