Hi , One of the COBOL programs need to access data from table on another LPAR. The Both subsystems are DB2 V9 z/os. I have tested by doing this manually to make sure the Location table is properly setup and the alias are created and it works.
But I need to clarify few things about the binds and also how the remote bind works.
I presume at the local system it's a usual bind. At the remote system :
a) Can I ship the DBMRM LIB to the Remote LPAR and run the same bind job which run on the local system ?
or it's necessary to the following
b) Remote bind at the local subsystem by changing the above bind cards to poit to the remote location(location2) as below:
BIND PACKAGE(location2.devcol) MEMBER(prg1)
What's the best way of doing this bind ?
Can anyone explain (or point to the right source) how at the run time db2 will call the remote package please ?
Thanks for the advice.