Fine tuning a SQL??

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Fine tuning a SQL??

Postby sinmani » Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:57 pm

My SQL is not performing well. Describe how will you fine tune it?
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Re: Fine tuning a SQL??

Postby Robert Sample » Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:32 pm

How high is up?
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Re: Fine tuning a SQL??

Postby GuyC » Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:37 pm

I would ask on a forum of psychic and pray to any diety available.
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Re: Fine tuning a SQL??

Postby Akatsukami » Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:38 pm

sinmani wrote:My SQL is not performing well. Describe how will you fine tune it?

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Re: Fine tuning a SQL??

Postby sinmani » Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:03 pm

well guys stop kicking my ** :)

What I think is i should use explain option and then look into plan table to get the current call path DB2 is using and then try to change it.
But how exactly would that help me?
What rows I should look into plan table?

How can I do I know which path will be better and ensure that DB2 uses it?
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Re: Fine tuning a SQL??

Postby BillyBoyo » Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:22 pm

Talk to your colleagues, DBA,,,,
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Re: Fine tuning a SQL??

Postby Robert Sample » Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:47 pm

sinmani, in your second post you are wanting to know the process to identify performance issues in an SQL statement; in your first post you did not clearly identify that this is what you were looking for. Your first post basically said you have an SQL statement that is having performance issues and you want help in fixing it -- without identifying (1) whether or not there really is a performance issue (if you're reading a data base with 10 million rows, then I'm sorry but the computer is going to take a while to read them), or (2) what is the SQL statement, or (3) why we would WANT to fine tune it?
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