You are going to have to learn how to find the manuals on your own.
I start with this link. By itself, this link is of little value; it brings up a humongous web page with just about every manual bookshelf you can imagine. At the top is a box with this title: "Find shelves with titles or names containing:" Type something that may be related to your need, like DB2, and click on the Find box at the right. This will bring up a smaller page that just has bookshelves with DB2 in the title. Scroll down this page until you find a bookshelf title that looks promising, say "DB2 Version 9.1 for z/OS Bookshelf" and click on it. This will bring up a page that shows all the manuals. Near the top of the page is a box labeled "Search Documents." Click on this box, and you will get a page where you can enter a search argument. I tried, 00D91044, but that came back with no matches, so I then tried 04e, which came back with 7 manuals had this code. That should get you started.
People that lurk here know I often provide a direct link to a manual in my answers. To get this link, I just do what I described above, varied to the needs of the question. I can often skip the search documents step since I often know the manual title I need, and just select the title directly, though some of the bookshelves are large enough that finding the manual is often difficult