yang li wrote:I called the stored procedures from the batch job and got the error as below:
Error msg form sysout:(DB2 version is V9.1)
CEE3250C The system or user abend S04E R=00D91044 was issued.
From compile unit EH65503 at entry point SSCCOBL at compile unit offset +0000811E at entry offset +00003E04
at address 24E08D5E.
But it works when using IBM Data Studio Tool to call the stored procedure.
The function of stored procedure are insert table A and update table B.
Does anyone know what the error or reason code means? Thanks.
More detail info about the issue:
Process logic: cobol pgm call SP1, SP1 call SP2. (SP means stored procedure)
Both SP are native SP.
SP1( ....
open cursor c1;
fetch cursor c1;
while(found='Y') do
insert table A;
set cnt = cnt + 1;
if (cnt= 100) then--commit count 100
call SP2;
set cnt = 0;
fetch cursor c1; -- end of cursor set found = N
if(found='N') then
call SP2;
set cnt = 0;
end while;
SP2 (...
insert table c; --- no commit in SP2
update table d;
After debug, found :
1. If only call SP2 one or 2 time, it runs successfully .
2. If call SP2 more than 2 times, it will get S04E R=00D91044 error.