Hi , I have an error :
DBRM or Package name 'SUBSYSTENMANE.PACKAGE_1.Consistancey_token_1' was not found in
plan 'PLAN1'.
When I checked the Catalog there are 2 version of operable packages exist for PACKAGE_1.
PACKAGE_1 (version 1) bind under db2 8 - With Consistancy_Token_2
PACKAGE_1 (version 2) Bind under Db2 9 (current version) - With Consistance_Token_3
( Above consistance tokens were extracted from admin tool - under precompiler infor)
When I checked the PLAN1, It has package_1 (Version 1) bound.
My Question is why did I get -805 instead of -818. I thought the package is there but it's a incorrect pakage. Can you advice Please ?