Hi Everybody,
I have a requirement such as to fetch persons details such as last name,
first name etc, and his addresses. Each person can have five addresses. I
have to get all the details for all the patient in a single database
transaction. Also i Have to order by personcode which is unique for each
person. For this I tried something like this but it gives oracle exception -
The query i used is
Select 1, A.personcode, A. lastname, A. fistname FROM table1 A where
A.perosncode IN (1,2) ORDER BY A.personcode
Union All
Select 2, A.personcode, B.street1, B.street2 FROM table2 B where
B.personcode IN (1,2) ORDER BY B.personcode
I get the error as ORA-00900 : invalid SQL statement.
Any suggestions welcom..
Thanks in Advance