Actually i am trying to unload multiple tablespace using LISTDEF and UNLOAD utility, But when i do that i get HEADER(OBID) fields in the First 2 columns,
I know if we use FROM TABLE option we can specify HEADER NONE, But is there a way because i am using LISTDEF and Unloading a entire Database.
We use the LISTDEF template feature of the DB2 UNLOAD, as it puts the OBID in the first 2 bytes of the unload dataset. I don't know of a way to remove this, but then I don't have a problem with it. I can unload the data and reload the data quite happily.
Is there a reason why you don't want this field there? Is it causing a problem?
I am unloading the data from 2 different database , but table has same structure , and compare them for changes,
But since OBID is different for both tables , all data appears to be shown as changes in compare ouptut.
I know that LISTDEF and FROM TABLE option are mutually EXCLUSIVE , and HEADER NONE goes only with FROM TABLE option, Is it Possible to use LISTDEF and Have NO HEADER in the output?