I'm facing some issue where in some fields needs to be overwritten in th result set.My requirement is as below
There are two tables tab1 with 10 columns (Col1 is one of the field) and tab2(12 fields with Col1 as one of the field).There are six common fields between these two tables.
1>In the first scenario extract records from Tab1 on some condition witrh all the fields
2>Extract all the records form Tab2 for all fields
3>Need to overlay the six common fields from tab2 in to result when ever there is a match between the above two results(Ie. Six common field values should be taken from Tab2 instead of Tab1 when ever there is a match based on col1 and values from Tab1 table must retain for other accounts when there ism no mismatch)
For example if tab1 has 10 records AND TAB2 has 6 records which are matching with Tab1 and for these six records common field values should come from Tab2 and for remianing four records the same values from should retain.So the output will be of 10 records with some overlaying values.
Please advise me how can i acheive this .(By using QMF/Spoofi/Ezytrieve).
Thanks in advance for your help on this.
Have a Good Day.