Hi there, I'm newbie here.
Have been tinkering with MVS Turnkey etc., and also ADCD over Hercules emulator, just to learn about MFs and DB2.
I am relatively new to DB2 "way of doing" RDBMS, but I'm quite accostumed to general database terminology and application access, not that much to DBADM tasks.
In my testing system over the Hercules I successfully login with TSO OMVS command with a reasonable .profile so that I can even launch db2(enter) from the UNIX shell in the mainframe and the db2> prompt emerges.
Something went wrong when submitting jobs DSNTEJ0 and DSNTEJ1, these being as you know the ones that wipe slate clean (so to speak) and datasets related to the sample databases DSN8D91A/P/X are there catalogued but not deleteable within ISPF... it's being a nightmare also to properly setup the DBADM/DB2 authorities for the ADCD profile users like IBMUSER, SYSADM, or SYSOPR.
Also I don't know where do I have to issue an UNCATALOG DATABASE(....) command to get rid of cataloged-but-not-there datasets in order for the aforementioned db2 setup jobs to properly (re)create the Sample databases.
Is the UNCATALOG command issued via TSO DSN command? On the UNIX db2> prompt? Not even in the main cnsole (where e.g. -DB9G STOP DB2 or the like do get recognized), does it let me issue the UNCATALOG, it does not recognize it.
I can succesfully DISPLAY DATABASE, DISPLAY GROUP over DSN prompt and the like.
Jobs tailored by myself over IDCAMS don't get rid of those "orphane" sample datasets so basically I can't start over with installation of all sample databases for DB2 v9.
PS-I can successfully connect to database server, also have the JDBC thing set up nicely but I just don't get the difference between db2 classes of commands and where should each be isued.
Any help on both the issues of db2 command issuing and db2 authorities over the sample db's will be greatly appreciated.
PS2- Sorry if any of these questions have been already solved in any way...