Help on HDFS_READ() function

IBM's flagship relational database management system

Help on HDFS_READ() function

Postby gopurs » Tue Dec 11, 2018 3:20 am

Does anyone used the below HDFS_READ user defined function in Mainframe to read data from Hadoop - Data Lake to Mainframe. I am running the below query in Mainfram QMF to read a file in HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File system) and getting SQL error -443.

SELECT * FROM TABLE(                                                          
AS T1(C1 char(4), c2 char(5));

An error occurred while processing the results. - ROUTINE HDFS_READ (SPECIFIC NAME HDFS_READ) HAS RETURNED AN ERROR SQLSTATE WITH DIAGNOSTIC TEXT Error due to no/unexpected HTTP return/content typ. SQLCODE=-443, SQLSTATE=38362, DRIVER=4.18.60

we also opened the trace in IBM DB2 and got the below message.

checkOperation rc=-1

Unexpect return, line=HTTP/1.1 307 TEMPORARY_REDIRECT
parseGetResponse rc=-1

Any help in resolving this error will be highly appreciated.

HDFS Version 2.7.3
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