Slowness in fetching data from DB2

IBM's flagship relational database management system

Slowness in fetching data from DB2

Postby coolsaurabh » Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:49 am


Currently we are facing one issue in which there is slowness in fetching the data from DB2.We have configured reports in cognos to fetch the data from DB2 which is taking approx 12-14 hours to fetch one day data from table which contains 45 days of data.

During the preliminary investigation I found that the table is containing approx 9Cr rows. Could it be the reason for the slowness ??

If yes,than what are the best possible alternatives can be implemented to overcome this slowness.(Pls keep in mind that this is customer data so cant delete it).

Is it feasible to rename this table or to move whole data from one table to another table???

Pls advice.

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Re: Slowness in fetching data from DB2

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:33 am

I found that the table is containing approx 9Cr rows.

translate to an understandable measure unit
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Re: Slowness in fetching data from DB2

Postby prino » Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:26 pm

enrico-sorichetti wrote:
I found that the table is containing approx 9Cr rows.

translate to an understandable measure unit

one hundred lakhs :mrgreen:

And given the origins of the TS, a "Wij runderen, wij glunderen" is not out of place. :mrgreen:
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Re: Slowness in fetching data from DB2

Postby Robert Sample » Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:08 pm

It is possible that the size of the table is slowing it down some. However, it is MUCH more likely that the query is coded poorly and does not use the index(es) to retrieve the data. 90 million rows is not a huge DB2 table -- I've heard of tables with 2 billion or more rows which don't seem to have any significant delays in retrieval.
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Re: Slowness in fetching data from DB2

Postby Terry Heinze » Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:36 pm

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