Data present in the column still SQLCODE is 100

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Data present in the column still SQLCODE is 100

Postby kumarjitendra » Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:50 pm


I have written a DB2 query to fetch a column from table depending on certain where clause. Query is returning the value present in the column but its setting SQL return code to true. I have coded my program in such a way that it abends if SQL code other 0 comes.

Please help on how to resolve this problem.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Data present in the column still SQLCODE is 100

Postby NicC » Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:58 pm

Show the relevant code. Note that a code of 100 is a successful return code - not an error.
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Re: Data present in the column still SQLCODE is 100

Postby kumarjitendra » Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:03 pm

EXEC SQL                                          
     table A1                              
   WHERE                                       = :WS-currentdate AND            
     A1.loan_number = :table.column-name1 AND      
     A1.loan_code = :table.column-name2

Due to project restriction I can't share the actual code.
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Re: Data present in the column still SQLCODE is 100

Postby prino » Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:54 pm

1) There is no SQLCODE "TRUE"

2) Did you zero the host-variable, or fill it with spaces, low or high values before executing the query, and check if you really got something back when the SQLSTATE = '02000'?
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Re: Data present in the column still SQLCODE is 100

Postby NicC » Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:07 am

Due to project restriction I can't share the actual code.

In that case we cannot help you as it is, probably, the error checking that is wrong or maybe you do actually have a column that meets the criteria - the values of which you have not shown. And please use the code tags when posting code and/or data. The true alignment shows up when used.
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