Please can any one suggest on my query below. I need only records having more than 1 same customerid.
Select b.customerid, b.accountno
from customer a, account b, address c
a.customerid=b.customerid and
b.accountno=c.accountno and
group by b.customerid, b,accountno
having count(customerid) > 1;
For some reasons, I am getting single records along with duplicate records. I am only looking for duplicate records.
Eg; When I execute my query, I am geting the below records.
customerid accountno
A111 12345
A111 23456
B123 65432
C222 10101
C222 11122
But I am looking for only the below records:
A111 12345
A111 23456
C222 10101
C222 11122
Please help.