Hi all,I need to create a rexx utility that takes file1 and file2 as input along with their copybooks (copy1 and copy2 respectively)
and compares these 2 files to find if they are similar or not.
Though Copy1 and copy2 are almost same, but it can have some fields that have different data storage type i.e. For e.g field1 in both the files is ACC-AMOUNT but in file1 we are storing it in binary format and in file2 it is stored in Hexadecimal format.
I need to convert this field1 in both the files to some common comparable format in order to compare these files and get the relevant results.
Can we do this with REXX ? or using some other tool ? Can we open and read a file with its copybook layout in REXX just like we do in FILEAID?
Thanks in advance.