chinkump wrote:1> HRECALL on the migrated datasets in production leads to access violation. Is there any alternative way to perform the same without leading to access violation?
a) obtain the security required (READ at the minimum)
b) contact someone with authority to recall the dataset
c) submit a batch job via your production scheduler to recall the dataset, BR14 with a DISP=OLD may recall the dataset
..... these options come to mind off the top of my head
chinkump wrote:2> If we want to find the properties of the datasets we generally do I infront of the dataset. In production this leads to access violation. Is there any alternative way to perform the same without leading to access violation?
a) PF11 (scroll) LEFT of the 3.4 display to see the attributes....
b) prior to ENTER on the 3.4 menu select option 4 (TOTAL) from the initial view option