mainframegeek wrote:Earlier i executed the panel which was present in production libraries for panel. Now i made some changes to this ISPF panel and stored in my personal PDS. I cannot save this in production libraries, because i don't have access to it.So i saved it in personal PDS, now i want to test my changes.
It is throwing error given below
Panel 'VMDAP005' error
Panel not found.
It's not "throwing an error", it's "displaying an error message" (as Yoda said, "Do, or do not; there is no 'try'").
Did you LIBDEF your personal library to ISPPLIB whilst option 7? If not, execute sub-option 6, which displays a panel looking like the shell panel from ISPF option 6, and on the
shell command line type:
(You'll have to do this every time you exit and enter option 7).
Then go to sub-option 2 and execute your panel.
"You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately ... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!" -- what I say to a junior programmer at least once a day