Hi Everybody,
These days, I am beginning to make a small home-grown DB2 Table Editor. I am writing the DTL Panels and the rexx code, and its also helping me learn a lot more about REXX and ISPF Services. For example, I never knew, how to process the selected rows of an ISPF Table - its done using ZTDSELS.
Would you'll mind taking a look at my tool? I want to develop this product completely at home, and would like to in-fact sell this editor to corporations employing Mainframes for their data-processing, and having an IT-center. You must have heard of solutions like Compuware File-Aid for DB2, or Platinum. How do these companies market their products? How do they reach out to customers? What is the pricing like? Do you think, I can make such a software-product, and sell it commercially?
Also, Dick suggested to me, that most of these products are installed using SMP/E. Is it fine, if I just ship the application libraries as Binary .XMI Files, or this is a primitive(ancient) way of installation?
Here are some screenshots, of the work that I've been doing.
The Primary Option Menu

The Browse Option Menu

The Browse Selection Menu
