Hi ..
I have a requirement where I need to add amount fileds at Card Member level. If I have same CM twice then I need to sum up the amount from 2 records and I need to have single record in the o/p for that CM,
Even if they are negative I need to add those.
Amount field is of 8bytes --s9(15) comp-3
We are unpacking the values ,adding them and appending C for positive and D for negative and packing the value again.
Now am encountering a prob while adding a number.
AMOUNT1= -1299999870 --it is Negative
As it is large number its been replaced by 1.29999987E+9.
AMOUNT2= -200000130
After adding it is = -1.50000000E+9
After appending D as it is negative value is it 001.50000000E+9D
So after adding ,the frmt is stil the same and am getting error while packing that value again.
Please help me like how to get the actual value for it,,
Thank You