My file transfer requirement is similar to that of most other users [but chose to post a new topic because i have a few questions]:
1.Take an existing PS File
2.Convert it into Excel format
3.Transfer the excel sheet from Mainframe (server?) to the local Desktop.
While i am here mainly for a solution ofcourse , i have a few other questions too...
Here's what i have tried :
1.FTP :
Like Robert indicates in most of his replies -- my local desktop does not have a FTP connection.
I tried a manual FTP from the command prompt and the file transfer was successful.
But my JCL refused to connect to the same hostname giving an error : recv error from getNextReply - EDC8128I Connection refused.
OMVS steps mentioned in the other threads are beyond my scope.
I am at a junior level and will have to take permissions from N number of people for that.
But will give it a shot while i try to make the other options work out for me.I am little nervous about tampering with any settings or installing anything new.
2.REXX :
I discovered : LINEOUT() -- the inbuilt function in REXX to take value from a variable or user and put it into a file on the desktop machine.
I was willing to change my rexx code to suit the lineout() function.
Lineout() works from my local machine which has the regina interpreter.
But not from my TSO/ISPF mainframe session.
It gives the error : Routine not found.
Can we fix this ? Should i be including some sort of library file into my rexx code ?
Do i need to install something specifically for OREXX ?
How do i see what utilities,inbuilt functions,libraries are present in the REXX in our mainframe envmt ?
When we manually convert the PS to text onto the desktop using the utility it produces the following command :
Can we alter the ind$file command by inserting a destination file into this command ?
Also , if FTP is not setup in a machine , how is this utility able to carry out the transfer ?
SO for now :
I will work on the OMVS portion
Find out about emailing the file[and alter my code if this works]
And about the last and a pathetic resort --- can we use REXX to simulate the manual steps taken at the 3.7 screen to carry out file transfer using REXX ?
Summary :
Why wont my FTP-JCl work ? I tried all hostnames i could get my hands on.
Can we fix the " lineout() : Routine not found " error by installing an OREXX related library file or utility ?
How is IND$FILE able to do the transfer ?
Can we alter IND$FILE by adding a destination to the GET command ?
Thanks for your time,