I have a requirement like ..in a file there are many records which are of different fileds and values .But all the records have field , Trans-id but at different positions.Now i need to get all the records which are having same trans-id(which is not uniq....like for that perticular transaction ID so many records will get created with different information)
Input file:
Record format:VB
name id1 area address
age desing id2 work
exp company sal id1
name id2 area address
age desing id1 work
exp company sal id2
age desing id2 work
exp company sal id1
name id2 area address
age desing id1 work
exp company sal id2
Like this there will be so many record with different ID's(few records having same Ids but at different positions)
Now in o/p file ,if I specify one ID ...I shuold get all the records having that perticulat ID.
I cannot go for SORT because there will be so many records having same ID at different positions.I cannot give all the positions IN OR condition.
I heard we can do so in REXX.
Please help me if u have any idea on this.
Thank U