Hi All,
I have a requirement where I need to code REXX program giving input as PDS library(which will be JCLlib) and for each member how many DD statement it has
and there corresponding file names and for each step which program is used . I need output report. Can someone help.?
Thank you
/* rexx
Run an edit macro against all members of a library
Adapted from DOALL from Lionel B. Dyck
arg dsn exec . /* libraryname and editmacro name */
/* libname must be the full name, quotes are optional */
x = outtrap("lm.","*")
x = outtrap("off")
do i = 1 to lm.0 while lm.i<>'--MEMBERS--'
do n = i+1 to lm.0
parse value lm.n with mem .
Address ISPEXEC "EDIT DATASET('"dsn"("mem")') MACRO("exec")"
Requote: if arg(1)='' then return '';else return "'"Unquote(arg(1))"'"
Unquote: return strip(space(translate(arg(1)," ","'")))