Volume Reporter

IBM's Command List programming language & Restructured Extended Executor

Volume Reporter

Postby amanrai » Sun Aug 25, 2019 3:57 pm

Develop a toolkit that can get user input and scan volumes to provide dataset characteristics in a report. For example, if the users want to find the top 10 large datasets from five volumes, the user will provide 5 volumes as input and select option to find 10 large datasets from those volumes. Identify all PDSE datasets from 10 volumes, identify all uncataloged datasets from 3 volumes, etc

Can anyone help me in providing the above code?
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Re: Volume Reporter

Postby steve-myers » Sun Aug 25, 2019 5:28 pm

amanrai wrote:Develop a toolkit that can get user input and scan volumes to provide dataset characteristics in a report. For example, if the users want to find the top 10 large datasets from five volumes, the user will provide 5 volumes as input and select option to find 10 large datasets from those volumes. Identify all PDSE datasets from 10 volumes, identify all uncataloged datasets from 3 volumes, etc

Can anyone help me in providing the above code?

Hire a consultant to develop this facility. The people that respond to these requests do so at no charge, on their own time. It is unlikely such a facility can be developed using only Rexx or CLIST.
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Re: Volume Reporter

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:18 pm

it is reasonably easy to do it using DCOLLECT

see here on how to process DCOLLECT data using REXX



File # 206 DCOLLECT REXX execs from Linnea Nichols
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Re: Volume Reporter

Postby willy jensen » Sun Aug 25, 2019 9:57 pm

Use the VTOC command from cbttape.og file 112. Build a ispf selection panel to get user selection then run VTOC and post-process the output.
willy jensen
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