I try to find a member pds that contains a dataset name using rexx language ? Thank's
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MNPC#1 DSLIST xxxxxx.AAA.CNTL Row 0000014 of 0000257
Command ===> SRCHFOR DATASET Scroll ===> CSR
Name Prompt Size Created Changed ID
_________ AMSPRINT *Found 22 2015/09/21 2015/09/21 15:49:00 xxxxxx
_________ AMSTEST 19 2014/02/28 2017/08/17 14:37:00 xxxxxx
_________ AMSXSTCC 33 2017/02/03 2017/06/26 15:53:00 xxxxxx
_________ AMSXSTRC 38 2017/06/26 2017/06/26 15:53:00 xxxxxx
_________ ANLIMGJB 36 2018/04/27 2018/04/30 14:09:00 xxxxxx
_________ ANLIMGPR 578 2018/04/27 2018/04/30 14:22:00 xxxxxx
_________ BIGGERPE *Found 55 2015/01/20 2018/05/01 15:56:00 xxxxxx
_________ BIGGERPO *Found 54 2013/11/25 2017/11/24 09:13:00 xxxxxx
_________ CCTEST 1 2017/06/14 2017/06/14 08:40:00 xxxxxx
_________ CLASS 30 2017/03/21 2017/03/21 14:12:00 xxxxxx
_________ CMPLWOXP 85 2014/07/18 2015/01/16 14:16:00 xxxxxx
_________ CMPLWXP 86 2014/12/29 2015/02/05 08:31:00 xxxxxx
_________ CNTAMS 18 2016/12/13 2016/12/13 13:35:00 xxxxxx
_________ CNTSYNC 18 2016/12/13 2016/12/13 11:30:00 xxxxxx
_________ COPY 26 2014/02/20 2017/03/01 10:32:00 xxxxxx
_________ COPYEMF 61 2017/01/27 2018/04/23 10:04:00 xxxxxx
_________ COPYENV 47 2018/04/23 2018/04/23 10:38:00 xxxxxx
_________ CPYBKPOS 62 2015/11/12 2018/01/18 14:10:00 xxxxxx