Invoking REXX code from DSLIST

IBM's Command List programming language & Restructured Extended Executor

Invoking REXX code from DSLIST

Postby riya_kottoor » Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:37 pm

Is it possible to execute a REXX code as a DSLIST command?
I need to map a REXX code to some character and use it like a DSLIST command. Similar to command 'I' for information or 'M' to see member list, I need to execute my REXX code when some character Y or T is provided against the DSN.
How can this be done? Please suggest.
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Re: Invoking REXX code from DSLIST

Postby willy jensen » Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:53 pm

Is it possible to execute a REXX code as a DSLIST command?

Sure, a string in the line command area which is not a recognized DSLIST command is assumed to be a pgm name, which is then called.
So either name your REXX pgm Y or T, or write two REXX pgms Y and T who will call your 'real' programs, passing parameters.
willy jensen
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Re: Invoking REXX code from DSLIST

Postby riya_kottoor » Fri Sep 22, 2017 10:44 am

Thank you so much Willy. It worked. I could also get the DSN as input to my REXX code using 'ARG PARM1' statement.
It was such a simple solution. Thanks a lot.
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