I would like to generate the chart( pie chart ) for the data I have using REXX.
The chart can be create in any of the following (excel, Msword)
Please help me out to solve this scenario.
The Microsoft Excel Binary File Format Structure document is 1124 pages in version 4.2, so you might need a little time to do what you want.Just decode the internal format of charts in Excel and Vijaj is your uncle!
Pedro wrote:It is not clear to me what you are asking for. Neither Excel nor MS Word work on z/OS. Are you asking to create a file on z/OS, download it to Windows, then have it display a pie chart?
SKANDA wrote:My actual question is, how to create a pie chart using Rexx coding
SKANDA wrote:And I want to display that generated pie chat in ( Ms word or Excel)..Is this possible??
is there any rexx syntax or rexx code to create pie chart in excel...