Call File-AID tool from REXX

IBM's Command List programming language & Restructured Extended Executor

Call File-AID tool from REXX

Postby mymainframe » Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:13 pm

Hi All,

I am writing a REXX tool, in which I have a requirement to call File-AID tool (lets assume Panel-1 and Panel-2). While calling File-AID tool I need to pass the option, and navigate to next panel (panel-2) and REXX should pass few more values to panel-2.

Lets assume, I am calling "Primary Option Menu" from my REXX. While calling I should be able to pass the option 1, from REXX (Please refer below).

File-AID 9.2.0 -------------  Primary Option Menu  -----------------------
OPTION ===> 1 ==> This option should be taken from REXX                                                                 
  0  PARAMETERS- Specify ISPF and File-AID parameters 
  1  BROWSE    - Display file contents                 
  2  EDIT      - Create or change file contents       
  3  UTILITIES - File-AID/SPF extended utilities       
  5  PRINT     - Print file contents                   
  6  SELECTION - Create or change selection criteria   
  7  XREF        - Create or change layout cross reference 
  8  VIEW      - View interpreted record layout                             
  9  REFORMAT  - Convert file from one format to another                   
 10  COMPARE   - Compare file contents                                     
  C  CHANGES   - Display summary of File-AID changes                         
  T  TUTORIAL  - Display information about File-AID                         
  X  EXIT      - Terminate File-AID and return to ISPF                     
     Use END to terminate File-AID         

After passing option 1 to the panel, REXX should give enter command so, that screen navigates to next screen (panel-2). Here again REXX should pass "USER.PROJ.COPYBOOK" and "CPYBOOK" to the current panel (panel-2).

File-AID --------------  Browse - Dataset Specification  ---------------------
COMMAND ===>                                                                 
Browse Mode                ===> F          (F=Fmt; C=Char; V=Vfmt; U=Unfmt)
Specify Browse Information:                                                   
  Dataset name or HFS path ===> 'USER.PROJ.INPUT'               
  Member name              ===>            (Blank or pattern for member list)
  Volume serial            ===>            (If dataset is not cataloged)     
Specify Record Layout and XREF Information:                                 
  Record layout usage      ===> S          (S = Single; X = XREF; N = None) 
  Record layout dataset    ===> 'USER.PROJ.COPYBOOK'    ==> This option should be taken from REXX               
  Member name              ===> CPYBOOK   ==> This option should be taken from REXX
  XREF dataset name        ===>                                             
  Member name              ===>            (Blank or pattern for member list)
Specify Selection Criteria Information:     (E = Existing; T = Temporary;   
  Selection criteria usage ===> N           M = Modify; Q = Quick; N = None)
  Selection dataset name   ===>                                             
  Member name              ===>            (Blank or pattern for member list)

After that REXX should give enter command, so that file is opened, as below and REXX control should terminate.

File-AID - Browse -  USER.PROJ.INPUT  ------------------
 COMMAND ===>                                               
********************************* TOP OF DATA ***************
0001 CA  563
0002 OR  698
0003 AZ  658
0004 PA  887
******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA *************

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Call File-AID tool from REXX

Postby NicC » Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:25 pm

"Thanks in advance" for what? You have not asked a question. You have simply stated what you want to do. If you are having problems state what your problem is - what you have tried and the result and why the result does not match your expectations. We do not even know if you are asking if such processing is possible! However, have you tried reading about calling File-AID from a Rexx program in the File-AID manual?
The problem I have is that people can explain things quickly but I can only comprehend slowly.
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Re: Call File-AID tool from REXX

Postby mymainframe » Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:27 pm

Sorry to confuse you NicC.

I am looking for the REXX code to navigate from REXX to File-AID. Above I explained my requirement. Hope you got it now.
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Re: Call File-AID tool from REXX

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:55 pm

I am looking for the REXX code to navigate from REXX to File-AID.

the chances of getting it are pretty slim

what does the fileaid manuals tell about scripting fileaid using rexx

i have seen quite a few questions on something similar, but no solutions were found/suggested
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: Call File-AID tool from REXX

Postby mymainframe » Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:50 pm

Is there any other way to solve this?
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Re: Call File-AID tool from REXX

Postby Steve Coalbran » Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:04 pm

C'mon Nic, don't be so hard hearted? :D
File-AID MVS or File-AID DB2 or File-AID IMS ?
I'll assume the first.
Looking at the implementation here it is complex as FILEAID is not in the standard concatenations.
Basically a driver is executed as:

Where XXXFA is a CLIST (I know! I even remember them so Altzheimers may be holding off a year or more!?)
PROC 0 PRODID(XFA)                             
/* FILEAID FOR MVS */                           
IF &PRODID = &Z THEN -                         
   ISPEXEC SELECT CMD(XVJALLOC)                 
ELSE -                                         
ISPEXEC SELECT  CMD(XVJFREE)                   

How you poke in 'options' I don't know . I tried ';' delimitted commands but no dice!
Nic? Any ideas if you play on this?
Actually you should be using FileManager instead cos that's IBM software! :lol:
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Re: Call File-AID tool from REXX

Postby Steve Coalbran » Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:20 pm

OK, adding to this after a deeper dig (about another 5 levels down the nest of CLISTs!) I find we get to a

There's a series of deep decision making code in the levels which I will not go into.
Look for a panel with a PANLID of XFAMU01.
Do this by issuing command.
which issues an ISRDDN and searched for that membername.
Pray that your FA components are in your SYSPROC/SYSEXEC and ISPxLIB concatenations and not cunningly concealled by ALTLIBs and LIBDEFs! :roll:
Good luck Image searching!
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