In your case WS-ROSP containt th value from EIBRESP. Thats what you have told the translator to do, when you coded RESP(WS-ROSP). Have a look at the translator listing.
I had a short look at the manual and found the following:
contains more detailed information that may help explain why the RESP condition occurred. This field contains meaningful values, as documented with each command to which it applies.
Do you hav a problem understanding that?
I also had a look at the GETMAIN command and found the information here: ... fields.htmThere are only two (2) conditions returned, apart from NORMAL, from this command.
RESP2 values:
The FLENGTH value is less than 1 or greater than the length of the target storage area from which the request is to be satisfied. See the discussion about DSAs in CICS storage allocation.
Also occurs if the LENGTH value is zero.
Default action: terminate the task abnormally.
RESP2 values:
The storage requested is more than is currently available in the target DSA. See the discussion about DSAs in CICS storage allocation.
Default action: ignore the condition. An active HANDLE CONDITION NOSTG also raises this condition.
If you have a problem with your program, just use CEDF and you will se the information you are after.
If you GETMAIN doesnt return a NORMAL condition, you shouldnt handle this in your program.
Default action is to ABEND the task.