by Robert Sample » Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:05 pm
1. XCTL is a transfer of control -- once you go to the new program, you won't come back (unlike a LINK) to the calling program
2. XCTL programs must be defined in the PPT (either in the CSD file or via autoinstall); what does a CEMT I PROG(<subprogram name>) show in your region?
3. If MRO is involved, the region your program executes in is not the same as the region your terminal is connected to. This could also impact your results
4. You posted basically no helpful data -- when using CEDF, did the XCTL complete normally? have an abnormal return code? if so, what was the return code?
5. As was mentioned, if your subprogram has no CICS interactions, CEDF would not show you anything -- and since you did an XCTL, your subprogram won't return to the calling program. So, depending upon your subprogram code, it is entirely possible that the behavior you are seeing is expected and normal for the subprogram.