CICS Case study

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Re: CICS Case study

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:45 am

can somebody provide me the CICS COBOl Program Code for Online Billing Enquiry System...

NO !

this is a help forum, not a do it for me one!
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: CICS Case study

Postby priyadatta30 » Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:50 am

enrico-sorichetti wrote:
can somebody provide me the CICS COBOl Program Code for Online Billing Enquiry System...

NO !

this is a help forum, not a do it for me one!

I am asking for help only, because i need to do, i m a novoice....dont have much handson ont his...i want some a layput if u can tell me
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Re: CICS Case study

Postby dick scherrer » Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:57 am


i m a novoice....dont have much handson ont his...
Yes, we understand. The reason for this forum is to provide assistance to students and other novices. Even so, we will not do the work for you.

i want some a layput if u can tell me
What is a layput?

Suggest you work on this one bit at a time. Create the main screen, the program code to write it onto the terminal, and the code to read the user input back from the main screen.

If you encounter problems or get stuck, post a reply here explaining what is not working as you want. Someone will be able to clarify.

If anyone posts whole code, it is deleted.
Hope this helps,
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Re: CICS Case study

Postby dick scherrer » Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:58 am

Follow on:

If you are going to actually test this, you need to work with your support people to define your components to the system.
Hope this helps,
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Re: CICS Case study

Postby Robert Sample » Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:53 am

priyadatta30, computer programming is hard work. It requires time, lots of attention to detail, planning things in advance, and lots (I mean LOTS) of hours coding and testing. For a beginner, the project you've outlined could easily take 2 to 6 weeks -- 80 to 240 hours. And the project you're doing is one of the simplest -- data retrieval from a file and display, which means all the hard work of entering (and validating) the data was already done. A beginner should plan on spending 4 to 8 hours just laying out the work to be done -- what maps / mapsets / programs / transactions / files are needed, how they all interact, what data you need to enter on each screen and what data will be displayed, what data are passing from program to program, and so forth. The actual format you lay everything out in depends upon you -- there's not just one way to lay things out, and as long as the layouts make sense to you then they are good.

Then, code up your first screen map, use CECI to verify it looks right, then write the program to handle that map. Debug it and make sure you are getting what you want before going further. And continue until everything is coded and tested. Practically, you're talking about six maps and several thousand lines of code (depending upon the standards in place) to handle everything, so organization going into the project will be extremely helpful as you proceed.
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Re: CICS Case study

Postby priyadatta30 » Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:11 am

I have completed writing the BMS m confused about how many VSAM files to be used? what will be the structure of those files...?
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Re: CICS Case study

Postby Robert Sample » Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:32 am

You could use one VSAM file with multiple record types, or you could use multiple VSAM files -- normally the files and record layouts are part of the provided specifications. Assuming you use one file, you would probably want a record with key of mobile number (and record type to simplify things) with additional fields such as name and address, along with a record with key of mobile number, record type, call date and call start time -- with fields for type of call (incoming or outgoing), number dialed, and call ending time (and you also need to think about how to handle a call that starts at 11:53 PM but doesn't end until 12:19 AM -- so the call ending date is not the same as the call starting date). Duration and cost can be calculated based on call start time and call ending time -- although you might want to put them on the VSAM file to simplify your coding since this is a case study and not a real-world programming assignment.

You could have another record type in the VSAM file for the table of cost versus time of day, if the duration and cost are not part of the VSAM record.

Handling local call rates versus long distance call rates versus international call rates would probably be beyond the scope of what you're attempting here, but would have to be considered in any realistic billing system.
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