hi guys.
i try to hand in an assignment.it is about cics.i have written a bms programm(to be precise i have only replaced the pattern with my data).but when i submit it,it shows maxcc=8.any idea?
Saramrkd wrote:01.32.08 JOB00705 $HASP165 PRAK040M ENDED AT N1 MAXCC=8 CN(INTERNAL) was the error
Saramrkd wrote:...and i dont know if it is related or not but in sdsf i found this:
No Overriding ASMAOPT Parameters
Overriding Parameters- SYSPARM(MAP),DECK,NOOBJECT
No Process Statements
No Overriding DD Names
Saramrkd wrote:i dont exactly know where to find the error.there is alot of information in sdsf file.i googled and read a long time about it.but it seems to be pointed to no where special to find the details about error.or i dont understand it.could anybody explain me how it workd?
Akatsukami wrote:"You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately ... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!" -- what I say to a junior programmer at least once a day
Saramrkd wrote:of course i can put a s before the job output.but i dont understand where the problem ist.bcs there is simply no msg.but when i submit the job there is maxcc=4 :
BTW.why do you feel yourself responsible for wasting your time? you can simply dont answer.Maybe there is someone who wants to help me.
... High Level Assembler error messages are ASMAnnn (where nnn is a number) followed by text. In addition, the macros called in your input may produce errors of their own. I cannot predict their format or how to interpret them.