Your response is as clear as mud.
i have a copybook for request, and response, both of which are completely different from each other, that runs fine.
Runs fine HOW? with web services? compiles clean? executes without using web services? something else you haven't explained? In other words, saying it "runs fine" tells us NOTHING about your problem.
the program runs fine, but when it attempts to return back it throws the ABEND AZI6, which i assume is because the response data is not the same
First, mainframe programs NEVER "throw" anything -- they may abend, they may have a non-zero return code, but they are NEVER "throw"ing anything.
Second, you need to make up your mind -- either the program "runs fine", or it gets an AZI6 ABEND -- it cannot do both.
Third, an AZI6 ABEND is, by itself, meaningless -- it says a remote connection transaction had an abend on the other side of the connection. Unless and until you find out what that abend is and resolve it, your AZI6 will not go away.
Fourth, do not "assume" anything -- because in my 40+ years of mainframe experience, approximately 95% of all programmer assumptions are WRONG. The manual explicitly tells you the request and response copy books MUST be different; if you assume your abend is due to something in the manual, your assumption is WRONG.
also the input format for response does match the copybook used in the CICS program
This is most likely the cause of the abend -- if the request or response data does not match what you told the system you were using, why would you NOT expect to get an abend?
You need to stop posting on this forum and start reading the manuals and Redbooks on CICS Web Services. After a few days or weeks or months of reading them, you need to work closely with your site support group to ensure the CICS definitions are set up correctly and the systems can communicate. You then should implement one of the IBM sample processes for CICS Web Services to understand how the programs are put together. Only after you have the sample process working exactly like it should, will you be ready to write your own code. You are attempting to take short cuts to understanding, and that rarely works out for the programmer.