The REXX/CICS on the system I'm using seems to be "almost" setup.
I.e. I can "sign on" to CICS (with "L CICS")
I can then enter the REXX transaction, and the expected "Enter a REXX command or EXIT to quit" message is posted, and interactively entered Rexx does work.
However, any attempt at using FLST or running a REXX PANEL .. program results in an error.
It seems the File pool has not been formatted yet.
Attempting to run "FILEPOOL FORMAT POOL1" results in return code -4.
According to the docs I'm using, this return code is returned when the user is not logged on to the region.
I think the problem is the "L CICS" signon, which is not requesting any user name / password. That in turn, I think is because
only the default (or none) security has been installed for CICS logons.
If that is the problem, then :
1) Is it possible to "Logon" to the CICS region (without security) so that "FILEPOOL FORMAT POOL1" will be accepted ?
2) Is there an alternate way to format the file pool, rather than using the Rexx/CICS interactive FILEPOOL FORMAT .. command ?
Does CICS/VTAM security need to be installed ?