System Programming for Beginners in Main Frame

System Programming for Beginners in Main Frame

Postby AASTHANA » Tue May 25, 2010 11:23 pm


I want to know which Programming Languages, Tools to learn to enter into system Programming in IBM MainFrames? Also which Mainframe platform is ideal for learning keeping the advancement in Mainframes in the coming future? Please let me know what to select for undergoing Course in Mainframe and also from where to do the Course( I am currently in India) and Which Certification to do?
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Re: System Programming for Beginners in Main Frame

Postby Robert Sample » Tue May 25, 2010 11:39 pm

System programmers probably use assembler more than anything else, but a language skill is not usually a major component of a system programmer's job. Knowing the utilities, JCL, SMP/E, and debugging procedures (such as dump reading) are far, far more important than languages. If you're going to specialize as a system programmer, such areas as CICS or DB2 can be important depending upon the specialty.

What are you referring to as "mainframe platforms"? I suspect you're referring to something different than I understand the term.

It would be rare for a systems programmer to be hired without several years experience in mainframes already. Some move from applications or operations into system programming, but I haven't heard of very many that started their career as one in the last 10 years or more.
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Re: System Programming for Beginners in Main Frame

Postby AASTHANA » Mon May 31, 2010 3:30 am

Hi Robert,

Thank You for the prompt response.

By "mainframe platform", i meant like AS/400 or any other specific model i should look to start with my learning that involves more market requirement.

IF begining as system programmer in mainframe is not a viable option then which applications on mainframe should i focus on so that later on i can move to system programming. I have lesser bent towards database appliications and more towards assembly lang.

Please Advice.

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Re: System Programming for Beginners in Main Frame

Postby dick scherrer » Mon May 31, 2010 4:16 am


then which applications on mainframe should i focus on so that later on i can move to system programming
There is no particular application (i.e. accounting, order entry, customer service, distribution, banking, insurance, etc) that is better preparation for becomming a system programmer that i'm aware of. As people work in one appliation area or another, they tend to learn more about how the system really works. At some point, some of these people have learned the environment well enough to consider (and be considered for) moving out of the application area to the system programming area.

As far as working with assembler, i'd suggest talking with people in your locale (unless you are willing and able to relocate) about which employers have any assembler application requirements.
Hope this helps,
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Re: System Programming for Beginners in Main Frame

Postby AASTHANA » Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:24 am

Hi Dick,

Thank you for your Response. I think i will have to search for the employers who work with assemblers to check for the requirement for these skill.

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Re: System Programming for Beginners in Main Frame

Postby dick scherrer » Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:02 am

Good luck :)

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