000000 00000 0006C 1 MAIN CSECT
R:C 00000 2 USING *,12
000000 90EC D00C 0000C 3 STM 14,12,12(13)
000004 0DC0 4 BASR 12,0
000006 50D0 C028 00028 5 ST 13,SAVE+4
00000A 41D0 C024 00024 6 LA 13,SAVE
0000E 7 START EQU *
00000E FA00 C022 C023 00022 00023 8 AP P1,P2
00014 9 EXIT EQU *
000014 58D0 C028 00028 10 L 13,SAVE+4
000018 98EC D00C 0000C 11 LM 14,12,12(13)
00001C 41F0 0000 00000 12 LA 15,0
000020 07FE 13 BR 14
000022 14 P1 DS P
000023 15 P2 DS P
R:C 00000 2 USING *,12
000000 90EC D00C 0000C 3 STM 14,12,12(13)
000004 0DC0 4 BASR 12,0
000006 50D0 C028 00028 5 ST 13,SAVE+4
00000A 41D0 C024 00024 6 LA 13,SAVE
0000E 7 START EQU *
00000E FA00 C022 C023 00022 00023 8 AP P1,P2
00014 9 EXIT EQU *
000014 58D0 C028 00028 10 L 13,SAVE+4
000018 98EC D00C 0000C 11 LM 14,12,12(13)
00001C 41F0 0000 00000 12 LA 15,0
000020 07FE 13 BR 14
000022 14 P1 DS P
000023 15 P2 DS P
this is one very sample SOC7 abend program, as it shows, the value of R12 = EPA(entry pointer address)+6,
i think the address of P1 should equal to 'EPA+22', not ''(R12)+22',
but computer translated it to C022
can someone explain it to me? thanks.